Inicio » Job opportunities » Postdoctoral position for an intelligent hyper-loop brain-computer interface to prevent epileptic seizures (IKUR)

Postdoctoral position (R2, R3) for an Intelligent Hyper-Loop Brain-Computer Interface to prevent Epileptic seizures (IKUR)

We are seeking to integrate a postdoc in the project “AI-HyperLoop-BCI: An Intelligent Hyper-Loop Brain-Computer Interface to Prevent Epileptic Seizures”. This project is a collaboration between the Laboratory of Neural Stem Cells and Neurogenesis, at ACHUCARRO and the Mathematical, Computational and Experimental Neuroscience Lab at BCAM (The Basque Center for Applied Mathematics). The project will be co-supervised by IKERBASQUE Professors Dr. Juan M Encinas and Dr.  Serafim Rodrigues.

Summary Information

Profile for this position
The general goal is to apply HPC&AI to detect the self-generated patterns of neuronal activity that precede epileptic seizures and disrupt them with therapeutic purposes.
This contract is funded by the High-Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence IKUR Strategy of the Basque Government and has a duration of 2 years. The gross annual salary will be 33.400 euros. Candidates that have not worked/lived in our territory for more than 5 years can opt to a special tax regime than can increase the net salary:
We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher with expertise in computational analysis and modelling of recordings from multichannel electrode arrays and calcium imaging in vitro and in vivo. Hands-on expertise in experimental biology (stereotaxic surgery and electrode implantation) will be appreciated.
Application deadline 30 Mar, 2023
Expected contract starting date 01 Jun, 2023

How to apply

Applications should be addressed to Dr. Juan M Encinas and sent via email (Subject "IKUR POSTDOC - HYPER-LOOP") in one single PDF to before the deadline with:
  • a cover letter highlighting their interest in the position.
  • abridged curriculum vitae.
  • a short description of previous research (1-2 Pages).
  • the names and contact addresses (e-mail) of two academic referees.