Commitment towards Equality and Inclusion
During 2017 and with the support of Emakunde, the Basque Institute for Women and the methodologies they propose for this kind of initiatives, we underwent an internal analysis and reflection process to improve the policies and our organisational culture towards the Equality.
All the personnel participated in, at least one of the dynamics, surveys or working groups created to attain this Plan. The process carried out from June to November was structured in three stages: an initial analysis or diagnose stage, before the design stage, to conclude with a training and dissemination stage. The result was our first Equality Plan, for the period 2018-2021.
The methodology and framework we use is closely linked to gender equalities, but the scope of our plan strives to attain all the potential inequalities (ethnic, religion, etc).
Our current plan (2022-2025) defines four main objectives or areas of improvement:
- Promoting equal opportunities in positions of responsibility
- Generating working environments and conditions that facilitate the co-responsible conciliation of personal, family and professional life
- Incorporating the gender perspective in the policies, products and operating dynamics
- Promoting inclusive leadership styles

Gender balance ratio (2019)
We set an Equality Committee composed by a representative of each function or career stage in our organisation, from each gender to implement and follow up the development of the Plan.
One of the first actions in the Plan was to create and publish with section on our website to reflect on our commitment towards Equality. But not only, we have alsoĀ reviewed our Mission to show that commitment and also our Founding Statutes and Strategic Objectives.

Emakunde entitled ACHUCARRO in 2020 as the first research organisation recognised with the distinction Ā«Collaborating entity for equality between women and menĀ» in the Basque Country. In 2023 we renewed this distinction.
Basque Pact for Equality and Living Free of Violence Against Women
Emakunde, the Basque Women’s Institute developed, in the framework of UN Women’s international initiative Ā«Generation EqualityĀ» a pact to show the commitment of individuals and collectives in our region towards equality and free of violence against women.
This Pact was presented in Bilbao, on June 15th 2022, and ACHUCARRO is one of its signatories.

Check our page of Resources on Equality, Equity and Diversity.