Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience (ACHUCARRO), a unique research centre established in Bilbao, organises a new concept of advanced training course for researchers already working or interested in the vibrant field of glial cells.
The approach of this School is to foster close interactions between the speakers (mentors) and the students, and inspire the elaboration of new collaborations/projects during a three-day course consisting of:
- Practical demonstrations of state-of-the-art techniques
- Brainstorming sessions (in groups) for designing an innovative research project
Our speakers/mentor for this edition were:
- Alexej Verkhratsky (U. Manchester, UK & Achucarro, Basque Country)
- Juan Pedro Bolaños (IBFG, Spain)
- Elena Alberdi (Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience & UPV/EHU & CIBERNED, Basque Country)
- Ádam Dénes (Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungary)
- Diego Gómez-Nicola (University of Southampton, UK)
- Maria Domercq (Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience & UPV/EHU & CIBERNED, Basque Country)
- Anne Baron Evercooren (ICM – Brain and Spine Institute, France)
- Maria Cecilia Angulo (INSERM U1128, Paris, France)
- Susana Mato (Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience & UPV/EHU & CIBERNED, Basque Country)
Radial glia and Stem Cells:
- Helena Mira (IBV-CSIC)
- Noelia Urban (IMBA, Vienna, Austria)
- José Ramón Pineda (Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience, Basque Country)
The main goal of this School is to combine cutting edge science and leisure activities in a relaxed environment (so ideas can naturally blossom) by fostering close interaction, mentoring, and networking with leading researchers in the field of glial biology.
June (Wed) 27 to (Fri) 29, 2018
Atalaia Claret Residence
A very convenient space near to our headquarters and the campus of the University
Organization committee
Carlos Matute
José R. Pineda
Amanda Sierra
Vanja Tepavcevic
Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience