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Masters Dissertation


This is a research-oriented master that can be considered the previous step to doctorate studies.

Neuroscience has become a scientific field that has experienced unprecedented progress. Moreover, these developments have a high degree of impact on society due to the increased interest aroused aspects such as neurodegenerative diseases or stroke. In this context, the Department of Neurosciences at the UPV / EHU, comprising the areas of Anatomy and Embryology, Neurology and Psychiatry, offers a Master of interdisciplinary research orientation and covering different areas of modern neuroscience, from molecular biology of nerve cells to the biological basis of cognition and behavior in normal and pathological conditions, allowing the students delve into the knowledge of the structure and function of normal and abnormal nervous system.

Official site of the UPV/EHU Master in Neuroscience


The Master of Molecular Biology and Biomedicine brings together virtually all researchers at the UPV / EHU active in the areas of molecular biology and genetics, and molecular aspects of biomedicine. The same applies to pre-clinical cycle of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Cantabria. This represents a total of at least 36 groups of high activity, which in the last three years totaling more than 70 research projects for external funding, and over 400 research articles.

Official site of the UPV/EHU Master in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine


These courses attempt to train professionals to develop activities in different fields such as pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies, public research centres, health care, learned society and public administration.

Official site of the UPV/EHU Master in Pharmacology, Development, Assessment and Rational Use of Medicines

TheĀ International Relations OfficeĀ at the University of the Basque Country provides comprehensive advice on how to proceed if you are thinking in joining UPV/EHU.