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Juan Carlos Chara Ventura

Postdoctoral Researcher

Electron microscopy specialist

Juan Carlos Chara Ventura

Research groups:


Science Park of the UPV/EHU
Sede Building, 3rd floor, Barrio Sarriena, s/n
E-48940 Leioa Spain

About me


  1. GABAB receptor agonist baclofen promotes central nervous system remyelination

    Serrano-Regal, Mari Paz; Bayón-Cordero, Laura; Chara Ventura, Juan Carlos; Ochoa-Bueno, Blanca I.; Tepavcevic, Vanja; Matute, Carlos; Sánchez-Gómez, María Victoria
    Glia (Dec, 2022) DOI: 10.1002/glia.24262
  2. Cannabinoid CB1 receptor expression in oligodendrocyte progenitors of the hippocampus revealed by the NG2-EYFP-knockin mouse

    Manterola, A.; Chara, J.C.; Aguado, T.; Palazuelos, J.; Matute, C.; Mato, S.
    Frontiers in Neuroanatomy (Oct, 2022) DOI: 10.3389/fnana.2022.1030060
  3. Genetically modified macrophages accelerate myelin repair

    Aigrot, Marie-Stéphane; Barthelemy, Clara; Moyon, Sarah; Dufayet-Chaffaud, Gaelle; Izagirre-Urizar, Leire; Gillet-Legrand, Beatrix; Tada, Satoru; Bayón-Cordero, Laura; Chara, Juan-Carlos; Matute, Carlos; Cartier, Nathalie; Lubetzki, Catherine; Tepavčević, Vanja
    EMBO Molecular Medicine (Jul, 2022) DOI: 10.15252/emmm.202114759
  4. Cannabinoid CB1 receptor gene inactivation in oligodendrocyte precursors disrupts oligodendrogenesis and myelination in mice

    Sánchez-de la Torre, Aníbal; Aguado, Tania; Huerga-Gómez, Alba; Santamaría, Silvia; Gentile, Antonietta; Chara, Juan Carlos; Matute, Carlos; Monory, Krisztina; Mato, Susana; Guzmán, Manuel; Lutz, Beat; Galve-Roperh, Ismael; Palazuelos, Javier
    Cell Death & Disease (Jul, 2022) DOI: 10.1038/s41419-022-05032-z
  5. Clemastine Induces an Impairment in Developmental Myelination

    Palma, A.; Chara, J.C.; Montilla, A.; Otxoa-de-Amezaga, A.; Ruíz-Jaén, F.; Planas, A.M.; Matute, C.; Pérez-Samartín, A.; Domercq, M.
    Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology (Mar, 2022) DOI: 10.3389/fcell.2022.841548
  6. Astrocytic atrophy as a pathological feature of Parkinson’s disease with LRRK2 mutation

    Ramos-Gonzalez, P.; Mato, S.; Chara, J.C.; Verkhratsky, A.; Matute, C.; Cavaliere, F.
    npj Parkinson's Disease (Mar, 2021) DOI: 10.1038/s41531-021-00175-w