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Pedro R. Grandes Moreno

Principal Investigator

Full Professor at UPV/EHU

Pedro R. Grandes Moreno



Tel.:(+34) 946 012 875

Faculty of Medicine and Nursery, Department of Neuroscience
Barrio Sarriena, s/n
E-48940 Leioa Spain

About me

Doctor of Medicine and Surgery with Extraordinary Award (UPV/EHU, 1986) and postdoctoral researcher at the Brain Research Institute, University of Zurich (1986-1989). Professor at the UPV / EHU since 1984 and Full Professor of Human Anatomy and Embryology since 2002. He teaches undergraduate courses in Medicine and Postgraduate courses in Neuroscience. He has been secretary (2003-2007) and director of the Department of Neurosciences (UPV / EHU, 2007-2015); member of the Ethics Committee in Research with Biological Agents and Genetically Modified Organisms of the UPV/EHU (2009-2013), of the Board of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (2012-2017) and of the Postgraduate Commission of the UPV/ EHU (2013-2016). He is coordinator of the Interuniversity Doctoral Program in Neurosciences.

Dr. Pedro Grandes is a collaborating researcher at the University of Victoria (Canada). His research deals with the study of the cannabinoid system in the normal and diseased brain (alcoholism, stress, epilepsy, mild head trauma).


  1. Impact of Omega-3 on Endocannabinoid System Expression and Function, Enhancing Cognition and Behavior in Male Mice

    Serrano, M.; Saumell-Esnaola, M.; Ocerin, G.; García del Caño, G.; Puente, N.; Sallés, J.; Rodríguez de Fonseca, F.; Rodríguez-Arias, M.; Gerrikagoitia, I.; Grandes, P.
    Nutrients (Dec, 2024) DOI: 10.3390/nu16244344
  2. The effect of traumatic brain injury on learning and memory: A synaptic focus - Eric Eyolfson, Kirsten R. B. Suesser, Holly Henry, Itziar Bonilla-Del Río, Pedro Grandes, Richelle Mychasiuk, Brian R. Christie, 2024

    Grandes, Pedro; Christie,Brian R., ; Mychasiuk, Richelle, ; Bonilla-Del Río, Itziar, ; Henry, Holly, ; Suesser, Kirsten R. B., ;Eyolfson, Eric
    Neuroscientist (Sep, 2024) DOI: 10.1177/10738584241275583
  3. Olfactory bulb astrocytes link social transmission of stress to cognitive adaptation in male mice

    Gómez-Sotres, Paula; Skupio, Urszula; Dalla Tor, Tommaso; Julio-Kalajzic, Francisca; Cannich, Astrid; Gisquet, Doriane; Bonilla-Del Rio, Itziar; Drago, Filippo; Puente, Nagore; Grandes, Pedro; Bellocchio, Luigi; Busquets-Garcia, Arnau; Bains, Jaideep S.; Marsicano, Giovanni
    Nature Communications (Aug, 2024) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-51416-4
  4. Omega-3 Recovers Cannabinoid 1 Receptor Expression in the Adult Mouse Brain after Adolescent Binge Drinking

    Martín-Llorente, Ane; Serrano, Maitane; Bonilla-Del Río, Itziar; Lekunberri, Leire; Ocerin, Garazi; Puente, Nagore; Ramos, Almudena; Rico-Barrio, Irantzu; Gerrikagoitia, Inmaculada; Grandes, Pedro
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences (Dec, 2023) DOI: 10.3390/ijms242417316
  5. Altered glial expression of the cannabinoid 1 receptor in the subiculum of a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

    Terradillos, Itziar; Bonilla-Del Río, Itziar; Puente, Nagore; Serrano, Maitane; Mimenza, Amaia; Lekunberri, Leire; Anaut-Lusar, Ilazki; Reguero, Leire; Gerrikagoitia, Inmaculada; Ruiz de Martín Esteban, Samuel; Hillard, Cecilia J.; Grande, María T.; Romero, Julián; Elezgarai, Izaskun; Grandes, Pedro
    Glia (Apr, 2023) DOI: 10.1002/glia.24312
  6. The effect of omega-3 fatty acids on alcohol-induced damage

    Serrano, Maitane; Rico-Barrio, Irantzu; Grandes, Pedro
    Frontiers in Nutrition (Apr, 2023)
  7. Target cell-specific plasticity rules of NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission in the hippocampus

    Lutzu, S.; Alviña, K.; Puente, N.; Grandes, P.; Castillo, P.E.
    Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience (Apr, 2023) DOI: 10.3389/fncel.2023.1068472
  8. Differential Subcellular Distribution and Release Dynamics of Cotransmitted Cholinergic and GABAergic Synaptic Inputs Modify Dopaminergic Neuronal Excitability

    Gratiet, Keyrian Louis Le; Anderson, Christopher K.; Puente, Nagore; Grandes, Pedro; Copas, Charlotte; Nahirney, Patrick C.; Delaney, Kerry R.; Nashmi, Raad
    Journal of Neuroscience (Nov, 2022) DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2514-21.2022
  9. Up-regulation of CB1 cannabinoid receptors located at glutamatergic terminals in the medial prefrontal cortex of the obese Zucker rat

    Echeazarra, Leyre; Barrondo, Sergio; García del Caño, Gontzal; Bonilla-Del Río, Itziar; Egaña-Huguet, Jon; Puente, Nagore; Aretxabala, Xabier; Montaña, Mario; López de Jesús, Maider; González-Burguera, Imanol; Saumell-Esnaola, Miquel; Goicolea, María Aránzazu; Grandes, Pedro; Sallés, Joan
    Frontiers in Neuroanatomy (Oct, 2022) DOI: 10.3389/fnana.2022.1004702
  10. GLAST versus GFAP as astroglial marker for the subcellular study of cannabinoid CB1 receptors in astrocytes

    Achicallende, Svein; Bonilla-Del Río, Itziar; Serrano, Maitane; Mimenza, Amaia; Lekunberri, Leire; Anaut-Lusar, Ilazki; Puente, Nagore; Gerrikagoitia, Inmaculada; Grandes, Pedro
    Histochemistry and Cell Biology (Jul, 2022) DOI: 10.1007/s00418-022-02139-4