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New Study Unveils Mechanisms of Brain Alterations Following Traumatic Injury

03 Jul 2024
Traumatic brain injury causes an increase in the generation of new neurons at the expense of a decrease in the generation of astrocytes, which alters the composition of hippocampal circuits

Researchers from ACHUCARRO, in collaboration with scientists from The Netherlands and Belgium, have published an article in the prestigious journal Nature Communications. This article describes the alterations that neural stem cells in the hippocampus, a crucial structure for memory and cognition, undergo due to traumatic brain injury. Soraya Martín Suárez, Ramón y Cajal researcher and co-first author of the study, and Juan Manuel Encinas Pérez, Ikerbasque Research Professor, both from the Neurogenesis, Neuroinflammation and Network Dynamics Lab at Achucarro, are the authors of this article

The study demonstrates that traumatic brain injury causes an increase in the generation of new neurons at the expense of a decrease in the generation of astrocytes, which alters the composition of hippocampal circuits. Additionally, the article reveals a new mechanism that may underlie the long-term brain and mental alterations caused by traumatic brain injury.

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