The founding members and trustees of the Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience are:

The Basque Government created Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science, to develop scientific research in the Basque Country by attracting senior researchers and creating new research capacities.
The aims of Ikerbasque are to become the main science production institution in the Basque Country, in relative terms to our number of researchers; by attracting and retain scientific talent, from junior to senior; contributing to the creation of new basic excellent research centres (BERCs); and achieving the recognition of the society, the public administration and its board of trustees by its contribution to the strengthening of the Science in the Basque Country.

University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
The University of the Basque Country is the only public university in the Basque Country. It has campuses over the three provinces of the autonomous community: Bizkaia Campus (in Leioa, Bilbao, Portugalete and Barakaldo), Gipuzkoa Campus (in San Sebastián and Eibar), and Araba Campus in Vitoria-Gasteiz. It is the main research institution in the Basque Country, carrying out most of the basic research made in that territory and taking advantage of the good industrial environment that the region constitutes.
The University of the Basque Country offers an educational model that singles us within the European Space for Higher Education. The "IKD model" (cooperative and dynamic learning) is centred in the student's learning. IKD is based on training programs for faculty development in active learning methodologies, it has developed ICTs applied to education and has initiated processes of review and improvement of competences and learning outcomes.

Basque Foundation for Health Innovation and Research (Bioef)
Set up by the Department of Health of the Basque Government, its mission is to promote innovation and research in the Basque Health Service (Osakidetza), to achieve continuous development and improvement in the capacity of the service to care for the health of the people in the region.